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Spanish newspaper: Latin states prefer Obama as president of the United States

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Spanish newspaper: Latin states prefer Obama as president of the United States
التوقيت الحالي : 03-07-2025, 06:06 AM
مستخدمين يتصفحوا هذا الموضوع:
الكاتب: dr.wolf
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Spanish newspaper: Latin states prefer Obama as president of the United States

الكاتب الموضوع

رقم العضوية :3
الاقامة : ام الدنيا
التواجد : غير متصل
معلومات العضو
المشاركات : 7,392
الإنتساب : Oct 2010
السمعة : 5

بيانات موقعي اسم الموقع : سكيورتي العرب
اصدار المنتدى : 1.6.8

مشاركات : #1
Spanish newspaper: Latin states prefer Obama as president of the United States

Spanish newspaper: Latin states prefer Obama as president of the United States

Spanish newspaper: Latin states prefer Obama as president of the United States

Under the title "How the world sees the U.S. elections" allocated newspaper El Pais, a special file election of America noted the strong support from Latin American countries, in addition to Spain Italy for Democratic candidate Barack Obama, said writer Miguel Gonzalez said that "Spain has fears of winning Republican candidate Mitt Romney as this will enhance and strengthen the position of German Chancellor Angela Merkel about the economic crisis in Europe, especially in Spain. "

The Gonzalez to avoid the Spanish Prime Minister current Mariano Rajoy interference in the race for the White House to maintain relations Spanish America, pointing out that in 2005, described the former prime minister Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero election results German a failure, which created strong differences in the relations between Germany and Spain so far, and this is what affects the pressure which carried out against Spain during the financial crisis.

Gonzalez said, "However, the Rajoy supports Barack Obama, and that because in the first debate, which took place between Romney and Obama, Obama said," We can not allow Spain to collapse "As Romney has ridiculed Spain and taken as an example of the failure can not be that the United States should follow , Rajoy therefore believes that in the event of Obama's victory in the elections there will be pressure on Merkel to ease its policy on the Spanish economy, but in the case of Romney, the pressure on Spain will increase. "

The writer Juan Arias said that Brazil strongly supports Obama politically and Romney economically, explaining that the U.S. elections are not topics of interest to Brazil, nor in the political world nor in the street, not even the world of commerce, however, the newspaper conducted an opinion poll in Brazil revealed that most Brazilians prefer Obama's victory, on the political level where they perceive as more peaceful than Republican candidate Mitt Romney, moreover, the skin color Obama tan raises sympathy of many poor people in Brazil, and the majority of Brazilians believe that Obama best candidate in international relations, as he is more familiar in the world, but on the economic level, the majority of Brazilians prefer Romney.

The writer mentioned that in general there is still the idea in Brazil that the United States does not care, Brazil and the rest of Latin America, and confirmed Marcelo Thorović professor in international relations at the Graduate School of Marketing ESPM that "the United States focused on priority agenda for the Middle East and the economic crisis Interior ", and repeated the same idea Renata Rosa professor at the University of Brazil confirmed that Brazil and Latin America will not have to have any interest by the U.S. foreign policy either Obama or Romney.

Political analyst Leah JM Pereira opines considered that Obama is U.S. President generally better for Brazil, because it most willing to conduct dialogues and talks and ease of radical some Republicans, but notes at the same time that some economic analysts in Brazil believe that Romney is will change in U.S. economic policy.

According to Leah JM Pereira believes that the Brazilian government current headed for Dilma Rousseff favors Obama in the political arena, because they are afraid to do Romney a new war in the Middle East and this is what will hold policy Brazil Foreign Affairs, pointing out that relations between Obama and Rousseff marked the first moment on a personal level, which made distinctive relations between the two parties, especially the government believes that with Democrats in the White House, the situation would be better and will help Brazil achieve her dream of obtaining a permanent seat on the United Nations Security Council.

On the other hand according to opinion polls about the U.S. elections in Argentina, this country believes that in the event of victory Romney, the gap between the White House and Argentina will be greater than it is now, according to Marcelo Kantilmy Head of International Department in Clarin in survey him through telephone interviews involving a thousand people, 48% of Argentines vote for Obama versus 8.6% who chose Romney any six out of every ten, and 25% did not care who will be the next U.S. President.

The Kantilmy pointed out that Obama's preference for Romney is no stranger, and said: "in Argentina there is a consensus ideology is very strong, everyone here agrees that health and education should be free."

She polls in Italy that the majority of Italians prefer Obama to be the new president of the United States of America, noting that Obama is popular and widespread in Europe from the Highlands of Scotland to Italy, according to a survey in the German Marshall Fund, 75% of Europeans prefer Obama versus 8% who believe that Romney is the best, and in Asia A recent study showed that 86% of Japanese and 63% of Chinese were providing support for Obama but Israel is the only state that courted for Romney, but otherwise, Obama is the best candidate for world Ojmah.

The newspaper said the Spanish "El Pais" that, despite the fact that each state has their causes to favor Obama that in general, Obama knows more accurately the world more than Romney as he always is looking for peace and tolerance in a comprehensive manner among States, as there are concerns Many of the Romney launched a war in the Middle East or a possible war with Iran.

A poll conducted by the Centre "YouGov" British that 70% of Britons were would vote for Obama for re-election if made available to them the right to vote, while only 7% in favor of Romney, the center said in a poll before the U.S. presidential elections that 76% of Britons believe Obama led well during the first period of the presidency, The survey revealed that despite the fact that supporters of the Conservative Party will be among the least votes British which will go to Obama, 68% of them were give him their votes, and was the poll on 1743 of between adults in Britain From October 31 to November 1.

The newspaper pointed out that so far not detected saw the two largest in Latin America enmity with the United States and are Venezuela and Koya, and this refers to ignore each of these elections, which attracts the attention of the whole world, and though the بث Republicans video recording in Florida includes footage of Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez and niece Fidel Castro Mariela Raul Castro, which the current president of Cuba, the two affirm their support for Obama in order to influence voters descent Cuban in the state, and Registration includes snapshot dated Sept. 30 for Chavez, he says, "if you're America to vote for Obama , even if Obama is from here to the voice of Chavez. "

المواضيع المحتمل أن تكون متشابهة .
A slight edge to Obama on Romney
Equal opportunities for Obama and Romney
11-05-2012 07:54 PM
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Spanish newspaper: Latin states prefer Obama as president of the United States - dr.wolf - 11-05-2012 07:54 PM

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