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Results : Ohio had resolved the presidential race in America
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Ohio had resolved the presidential race in America - dr.wolf world news, Ohio had resolved the presidential race in America,
Ohio had resolved the presidential race in America

Just a week before the U.S. presidential election, which are being contested candidates Democrat Barack Obama and Republican Mitt Romney , it seems that the state of Ohio that will be decided by a large margin the race for the White House with that other states such as Colorado and Iowa or even New Hampshire small will have a share in this decisiveness.

And must win the election to get the 270 votes of the electoral college delegates numbering 538 delegates.

A week before the sixth ballot next month, opinion polls showed the average that Obama is still four points ahead at least holders have 237 electoral votes of the complex, while the Advanced Romney almost the same for holders have 201 electoral voice of the complex.

Obama is still ahead but a limited margin thanks in Ohio has to offer. But Romney managed to close the gap or Obama already a little bit in some other states critical, while still eight states had...
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