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وظائف 2018 سوق السيارات عقارات 2018 الارشيف البحث
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Results : 4S 64Gb Unlocked
Thread / Author Tags
Brand new Apple iPhone 4S 64Gb Unlocked - متخصص بيع وشراء الجوالات, ِشراء, البيع والشراء 2012, بيع وشراء الموبايلات, 4S 64Gb Unlocked, Brand new Apple iPhone,
Brand new Apple iPhone 4S 64Gb Unlocked

صورة Brand new Apple iPhone 4S 64Gb Unlocked :

SKYPE : fahida091

Apple iPhone 4S is the fourth-generation of iphone and comes with a new slimmer design and front-facing camera capable of video calling. apple also updated the display with a high-resolution screen that measures 960 x 640 pixels. It also features a 5 megapixel camera with an LED flash and HD video recording. The front facing camera uses an application called facetime to make video calls over wifi.

Package content :

1 Apple iPhone 4G Phone
1 USB Cable
1 Charger
1 Stereo Handsfree
1 User's Guide

للتواصل من خارج الامارات : الجوال 9988899980 971+
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