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Results : A slight edge to Obama on Romney
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A slight edge to Obama on Romney - dr.wolf A slight edge to Obama on Romney,
A slight edge to Obama on Romney

Opinion polls in the penultimate day of the elections the American presidency to continue tie between President Barack Obama and Republican rival Mitt Romney, despite superiority slight to President Obama in some swing states, such as Iowa, Wisconsin and Ohio and Nevada, the states could give him more than electoral votes, which needed to win, which is 270 votes, to prevent any surprises in other states.

This comes at a time intensifies when Obama and Romney their campaigns election in swing states to win the support of voters who remain undecided and urged their supporters to vote in large numbers, and seeks Romney to rally support for the win in the state of Pennsylvania, which tend mainly to the Democrats, which rages where race continues issued Obama

Obama called in his campaign in New Hampshire on his election to a second term to complete his program, pledging to create more jobs, and said: Sthadddon decisions relating to this country for...
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