معهد سكيورتي العرب | وظائف خالية
وظائف 2018 سوق السيارات عقارات 2018 الارشيف البحث
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تسجيل المساعدة قائمة الأعضاء اظهار المشاركات الجديدة اظهارمشاركات اليوم

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Results : Brand New Apple I Phone
Thread / Author Tags
Brand New Apple I-Phone - متخصص بيع وشراء الجوالات, بيع وشراء الموبايلات, Brand New Apple I Phone,
Brand New Apple I-Phone للبيع فى لبنان بتاريخ 24-01-2012

صورة ال Brand New Apple I-Phone :

Apple iPhone 4S 32GB.........$450 Apple iPhone 4G 16GB.........$400 Apple iPhone 3GS 32GB.......$300 Apple iPhone 3GS 16GB.......$250 Apple iPhone 3G 8GB.........$200 Apple iPad 2 Wi-Fi 16GB.....$400 Apple iPad 2 Wi-Fi + 3G 64GB.....$500 Apple iPad Wifi – 16GB......$300 Apple iPad Wifi – 64GB......$350 Apple iPad 2 Wi-Fi 32GB.....$450 Apple iPad Wifi -32GB.......$330 Shipping fees:-Free shipping : FedEx, DHL or UPS Delivery Time:-24-48HOURS MAXIMUM Contact Name....Mr James Charlie Company Name....EXCEL APPLE STORE Email address.....excelapplestore@gmail.com Thanking you in anticipation and looking forward to doing long term business with you

Nigerians and Ghanians should not bother contacting me because i know your tricks and am not ready...
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