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Use Encryption to Safeguard Your Data - dr.wolf information security, security, امن المعلومات, سكيورتي, الحماية, Data, Your, Safeguard, Encryption,
Use Encryption to Safeguard Your Data

Encrypting your hard disk to protect your data doesn’t have to be a daunting task, thanks to a large number of practical tools.

By Robert Lemos, PCWorld Nov 13, 2008 10:00 pm

A discreetly tucked-away folder that contains your résumé, your tax returns, and other important files may be convenient for you, but it's also a gold mine for online crooks who steal and sell digital data on a thriving black market.

Even though encrypting data unquestionably helps protect it from thieves, many users in the past felt that using encryption programs wasn't worth the trouble. But times change: In the second half of 2007, thefts of laptops, hard drives, and computer accounted for 57 percent of sensitive data losses reported by companies, according to Symantec.

Luckily, as data theft has be­­come more common, encryption has gotten easier to use. An array of options today--both free and paid--can keep your information safe even if someone walks off with...
برنامج لإعادت الملفات التي قمت بمسحها iCare Data Recovery - mrz-21 Recovery, Data, iCare, بمسحها, قمت, التي, الملفات, لإعادت, برنامج,

iCare Data Recovery Software 4.5.0

حجم البرنامج 3ميجا

برنامج لاستعادة الملفات المحذوفة من الأقراص الصلبة، بطاقات الذاكرة، وبطاقات الذاكرة انها تساعدك على استرداد الملفات من تقسيم القرص غير قابل للقراءة، إذا تلف قطاع التمهيد أو هجوم الفيروس.

هوا برنامج سهل استعمال و سريع في ا ستعادت ملفاتك

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