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وظائف 2018 سوق السيارات عقارات 2018 الارشيف البحث
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تسجيل المساعدة قائمة الأعضاء اظهار المشاركات الجديدة اظهارمشاركات اليوم

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Results : E Health Cigarette
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E-Health Cigarette - متخصص البيع والشراء فى عمان, بيع وشراء المستعمل, البيع والشراء 2012, البيع والشراء العام, البيع والشراء, E Health Cigarette,
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته :

E-Health Cigarette بتاريخ 04-01-2012

صورة للعلبة :

E-Health electronic cigarettes are nonflammable electronic atomizing devices that look like, feel like, and taste like a real cigarette and perform the same pleasure of smoking a traditional cigarette by giving nicotine in your body which smokers crave, but without the harmful effects of a traditional cigarette. They can be smoked anywhere as they do not contain tobacco and are not banned under the new smoking laws.
Cartridges contain nicotine, water, and propylene glycol, an ingredient commonly found in items such as food coloring. By fulfilling ones nicotine requirement and giving the same hit as smoking one can gradually quit smoking altogether.
Warranty Time: 1 Year

للتواصل من خارج عمان : التليفون 98210240 968+
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