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وظائف 2018 سوق السيارات عقارات 2018 الارشيف البحث
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Results : Equal opportunities for Obama and Romney
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Equal opportunities for Obama and Romney - dr.wolf world news, Equal opportunities for Obama and Romney,
Equal opportunities for Obama and Romney

May be a very uneven race until the finish line, where he faces U.S. President Barack Obama and his Republican rival Mitt Romney and one of the most difficult presidential elections in U.S. history.

With just a little over a week to conduct the election on the sixth of next month, touring the country to visit candidates swing key states that will decide will enter the White House.

Obama said (51 years) of the voters in New Hampshire yesterday began counting days countdown until you descend to the polling stations, and pointing your choices on the future of our country. It's not just a choice between candidates or political parties, it is a choice between the radically different views on America.

Shows the average of the results of opinion polls conducted by the site Reel Claire Politics mail that Romney (65) takes a slightly equivalent to 1%, which is located well within the margin of error.
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