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Results : Spanish newspaper Latin states prefer Obama as president of the United States
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Spanish newspaper: Latin states prefer Obama as president of the United States - dr.wolf Spanish newspaper Latin states prefer Obama as president of the United States ,
Spanish newspaper: Latin states prefer Obama as president of the United States

Under the title How the world sees the U.S. elections allocated newspaper El Pais, a special file election of America noted the strong support from Latin American countries, in addition to Spain Italy for Democratic candidate Barack Obama, said writer Miguel Gonzalez said that Spain has fears of winning Republican candidate Mitt Romney as this will enhance and strengthen the position of German Chancellor Angela Merkel about the economic crisis in Europe, especially in Spain.

The Gonzalez to avoid the Spanish Prime Minister current Mariano Rajoy interference in the race for the White House to maintain relations Spanish America, pointing out that in 2005, described the former prime minister Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero election results German a failure, which created strong differences in the relations between Germany and Spain so far, and this is what affects the pressure which carried out against Spain during the financial crisis.
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