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Ohio had resolved the presidential race in America

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Ohio had resolved the presidential race in America
التوقيت الحالي : 03-03-2025, 12:10 PM
مستخدمين يتصفحوا هذا الموضوع: 1 ضيف
الكاتب: dr.wolf
آخر رد: dr.wolf
الردود : 0
المشاهدات : 2756

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Ohio had resolved the presidential race in America

الكاتب الموضوع

رقم العضوية :3
الاقامة : ام الدنيا
التواجد : غير متصل
معلومات العضو
المشاركات : 7,392
الإنتساب : Oct 2010
السمعة : 5

بيانات موقعي اسم الموقع : سكيورتي العرب
اصدار المنتدى : 1.6.8

مشاركات : #1
Ohio had resolved the presidential race in America

Ohio had resolved the presidential race in America

Ohio had resolved the presidential race in America

Just a week before the U.S. presidential election, which are being contested candidates Democrat Barack Obama and Republican Mitt Romney , it seems that the state of Ohio that will be decided by a large margin the race for the White House with that other states such as Colorado and Iowa or even New Hampshire small will have a share in this decisiveness.

And must win the election to get the 270 votes of the electoral college delegates numbering 538 delegates.

A week before the sixth ballot next month, opinion polls showed the average that Obama is still four points ahead at least holders have 237 electoral votes of the complex, while the Advanced Romney almost the same for holders have 201 electoral voice of the complex.

Obama is still ahead but a limited margin thanks in Ohio has to offer. But Romney managed to close the gap or Obama already a little bit in some other states critical, while still eight states had not made up its mind relatively.

The eight states are Colorado, Florida, Iowa, Nevada, New Hampshire, Ohio, Virginia and Wisconsin, and has 95 electoral votes of the complex, and it was Obama won in 2008.

In five of those states (Ohio, Iowa, Nevada, New Hampshire and Wisconsin) and have 44 votes, lead the Democratic candidate, which offers perhaps allow him to win. However, this progress is small, less than the margin of error polls.

Weight, Ohio
Even if Obama loses Ohio would remain possible winning 270 electoral votes, and thus win the election by winning the Colorado instead.

Obama won Colorado, nine points elections in 2008 thanks to the support of young and suburban voters and the growing number of voters of Hispanic, but almost neutral with Romney now.

The Romney Vfozh more difficult without Ohio, but still possible. And make the former Massachusetts governor a little over Obama in Florida and tied with the president in Virginia.

If Romney was able to win those two states, Colorado and added to them will still need to win Iowa and New Hampshire and Wisconsin to win the presidency.

Thomas said Reel, an expert opinion polls Foundation "YouGov" for market research, which also conducts opinion polls States swing "electoral map tend slightly toward Obama, but this is because Ohio is very important, a state in which they are kept simple progress." "In the race neutral everything will be all important place."

Other scenarios
In the meantime, put multiple electoral scenarios to win any of the candidates, whether with or without Ohio.
And it is now possible to be cuff that likely candidates at the expense of another state such as Colorado, where equal level of support between Obama and Romney polls.

Electoral scenarios raised speculation about several alternative outcomes such as both candidates tied to each access to 269 electoral votes of the complex, which would mean the House vote, which is dominated by the Republican Party.

Other possibilities include candidate won the votes of voters at the grassroots level with the other win the votes of the electoral college and thus the presidential chair.
11-01-2012 10:29 PM
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