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وظائف موبايلي mobily jobs 2013

Tags: وظائف موبايلي, mobily jobs, 2013, فرص عمل خالية, وظائف خالية, وظائف شاغرة, وظائف يومية,

وظائف موبايلي mobily jobs 2013
التوقيت الحالي : 03-11-2025, 01:02 AM
مستخدمين يتصفحوا هذا الموضوع:
الكاتب: dr.wolf
آخر رد: dr.wolf
الردود : 0
المشاهدات : 3667

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وظائف موبايلي mobily jobs 2013

الكاتب الموضوع

رقم العضوية :3
الاقامة : ام الدنيا
التواجد : غير متصل
معلومات العضو
المشاركات : 7,392
الإنتساب : Oct 2010
السمعة : 5

بيانات موقعي اسم الموقع : سكيورتي العرب
اصدار المنتدى : 1.6.8

مشاركات : #1
وظائف موبايلي mobily jobs 2013

وظائف موبايلي mobily jobs 2013

وظائف موبايلي mobily jobs 2013

وظائف خالية شاغرة متاحة فى شركة موبايلي قدم سيرتك الذاتية واحصل على وظيفتك الان فى شركة من اكبر شركات الجوال بالوطن العربي الان لا تنتظر وانتهز فرصتك وتابع معنا يوميا اجدد واحدث وظائف شركة موبايلى يوميا فقط على موقع سكيورتي العرب.

وظائف موبايلي mobily jobs 2013 :

وظيفة رقم 1 :

المطلوب : Accounting/Banking/Finance

الدوام : Full time

العدد المطلوب للوظيفة : 1

مكان العمل : Riyadh, Saudi Arabia

الجنس : Male

تفاصيل الوظيفة : Operation Auditor

• Develops a thorough understanding and appreciation of Mobily internal Audit policy.
• Identify, develops and documents audit issues and recommendations using independent judgment concerning areas being reviewed.
• Gathers information for use in research and analysis in order to assist Internal Audit to provide accurate reports on control and risk.
• Carries out audit projects, individually or as a team member.
• Conduct interviews, review documents, develops and administers surveys, composes summary memos, and prepares working papers.

• Bachelor Degree in Accounting of Finance related subject.
• Relevant professional qualification in audit or accounting (e.g. CIA, CPA) is a plus.
• 2 - 3 years’ experience in Auditing

للتقديم للوظيفة : http://careers.mobily.com.sa/en/job-appl...id=2237417

وظيفة رقم 2 :

المطلوب : Technology/IT

الدوام : Full time

العدد المطلوب للوظيفة : 1

مكان العمل : Riyadh, Saudi Arabia

الجنس : Male

تفاصيل الوظيفة :

Telecom Audit Manager

• Responsible for the provision of internal auditing services to technical telecom area
• Contribute actively in the definition, development and delivery of annual internal audit plan with main focus on own area of responsibility
• Manages the planning, execution and reporting of the assigned audits
• Manages the assigned team members to execute and deliver audit assignments within the allocated time and other resources
• Assure the execution of audit engagement in accordance with Mobily’s IA operational manual.
• Provide development feedback and supervision to other junior resources managed during audit engagements
• Recommend particular actions for internal auditors, and line management, which draw upon specialist or technical-area-based conclusions where appropriate

• Bachelor Degree in Communication Engineering or Computer Science.
• Relevant Professional Certifications such as Certified Information Systems Auditor (CISA) is a plus.
• 5 to 7 years experience in internal auditing role with at least 2 years in senior auditor or supervisory positions
• At least 2 years of previous relevant experience in telecom industry

للتقديم للوظيفة : http://careers.mobily.com.sa/en/job/tele...2d2237413/

وظيفة رقم 3 :

المطلوب : Education/Training

الدوام : Full time

العدد المطلوب للوظيفة : 1

مكان العمل : Khobar, Saudi Arabia

الجنس : غير محدد

تفاصيل الوظيفة :

Senior Technical Trainer - Eastern

• Deliver a specialized support service to different sales divisions and dept. such as consumer sales, SOHO and wholesales to ensure efficiency within the sales operation
• Present managers with draft KPIs, review performance of KPIs and communicate accordingly to the authorized personnel.
• Review training needs analysis in coordination with HR to define training requirements for the sales force
• Provide summary analysis of all sales activities to senior managers to ensure adherence to policy, procedures and quality standards.
• Conduct initial due diligence and engage with the Contract & Tenders department in preparation for outsourcing contracts
• Analyse data from various commission structures in place and provide recommendations to the sales managers highlighting any concerns and performance-enhancing modifications.
• Conduct training on new products and services to the sales team and ensure sales staff awareness on products and services
• Collate information from sales activities in order to analyse sales performance and prepare internal reports documentation that focus to improve sales or products offerings.
• Prepare and deliver periodic sales management presentations

• 4 years professional experience in sales support
• Strong interpersonal skills
• PC literate
• Fluent and literate in Arabic and English

للتقديم للوظيفة : http://careers.mobily.com.sa/en/job-appl...id=2237387

الموضوع متجدد وانتظرونا دائما ويوميا مع وظائف شركة موبايلي باذن الله

ادارة سكيورتي العرب

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