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اللعبة الممتعه والرائعة jagged alliance deadly games

اللعبة الممتعه والرائعة jagged alliance deadly games
التوقيت الحالي : 03-10-2025, 07:36 PM
مستخدمين يتصفحوا هذا الموضوع:
الكاتب: ea_soft
آخر رد: ea_soft
الردود : 0
المشاهدات : 1902

إضافة رد 

اللعبة الممتعه والرائعة jagged alliance deadly games

الكاتب الموضوع

رقم العضوية :4518
الاقامة : طنطا
التواجد : غير متصل
معلومات العضو
المشاركات : 282
الإنتساب : Aug 2012

بيانات موقعي اسم الموقع : ماي ايجي سوفت
اصدار المنتدى : 3.8.7

مشاركات : #1
اللعبة الممتعه والرائعة jagged alliance deadly games

اللعبة الممتعه والرائعة jagged alliance deadly games

[CENTER][صورة مرفقة: myegysoft-1ad7d3323d.gif]

jagged alliance deadly games

[صورة مرفقة: img_1358511168_790.jpg]

[صورة مرفقة: img_1357877627_647.jpg]
The enemy is on the run. One more mortar shell should take them out. Still, you have to blow up the bridge by sundown, and Postie is starting to talk to himself again. Maybe you shouldn't let him keep that dynamite...

Lock and load: it's time for Deadly Games. From the makers of Jagged Alliance, 1995's Game of the Year (Power Play magazine) comes the multiplayer strategy game chambered with new features.

More ways to play. Play the new solo campaign or choose multiplayer mode via your network connection. More power. The included scenario editor provides infinite replay ability. Create your own maps, traps and enemies. Use the campaign editor to create your own deadly games. More mercenaries. Choose from 70 different mercs, including 10 new ones - plus all 60 of the original Jagged Alliance mercs. More weapons. Fun new war toys include mortars, grenade launchers, boobytrap kits and more! More terrain. Skirmish through jungles, deserts, towns and frozen wastelands.

[صورة مرفقة: img_1357877627_328.png]
[صورة مرفقة: img_1358511168_542.png]
[صورة مرفقة: img_1358511167_896.png]
[صورة مرفقة: img_1358511167_677.png]
[صورة مرفقة: img_1358511166_840.jpg]

[صورة مرفقة: img_1357877629_785.png]

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